art & wine

Wine is Art and Art is the inebriety of the spirit
art & wine
Wine is Art and Art is the inebriety of the spirit
arts and wines are indisso-
Since the beginning of civilization the existence of wine is related to Arts,
and the artists always expressed themselves, each in their manners and in their domains…

… Jewellery, scupture, painting, porcelain
… Even in poetry and literature!
le Bassin de Bacchus - the Bacchus Fountain -
Château de Versailles, 1672-1675
Le Tricheur à l'as de carreau - the Cheat with the ace of diamonds -
Georges de La Tour, 1636-1638
rafraîchissoir verres à champagne - Ceramic champagne glass chiller -
Un soir, l'âme du vin chantait dans les bouteilles :
" Homme, vers toi je pousse, ô cher déshérité,
Sous ma prison de verre et mes cires vermeilles,
Un chant plein de lumière et de fraternité !
L'âme du vin - Charles Baudelaire
" Whether condemned or sought-after,
inebriety has never stopped wine from being
a source a source of inspiration to artists. "